Tag Archives: blomma

Globe Blue Thistle

About two weeks ago we were, once again, visiting my childhood friend. She has a huge flower garden. She has the flowers planted by color and so that there is flowers in bloom from early spring into late fall. This was the first time I was able to see the Globe Blue Thistle (Echinops Ritro) in bloom. The blooming is almost over. The flowers already fading in color, turning into light blue/gray. Luckily there were still a few rich in blue color. While I was busy photographing she had been busy digging up some plants she gave to me. Thank you so much dear friend. I have planted them and am so much looking forward to next spring and summer to see them blooming. Well, I hope they survive the winter.

Tiger Lilies

The Tiger lilies are in bloom. First flower opened on Sunday. On Monday there were six. Soon they all will flower. The wonderful thing with Tiger lilies are that they flower for about two weeks. It depends on the weather. Less sun and warm weather they last for longer. 



Wow ! I’m amazed. The Amaryllis we got for Christmas is in bloom, again. I have never had one blooming more than at the time of Christmas. And . . . there is one more stem coming up. I am already able to see there will be more flowers. It takes a long time so, maybe at Easter. The stem at Christmas was short. This time it’s very tall and the flowers so heavy that if I don’t put some weight (stones) in the basket it will fall over.

Strawberry Candy Daylily

I thought the Strawberry Candy lily wouldn’t bloom at all this summer. Usually first flowers flower in the last days of July. I was happy to, at about the end of July, finally see three stems grow taller day by day. On Friday 11th August the first flower was in bloom. Each stem has about 12-10 buds. I will be able to enjoy new flower(s) still for about one week. Nice.

Lilium Martagon

I had forgotten the name of this flower so I looked it up on Google where it says it’s also called Turk’s cap. I learned the flower may be from pink, purple and white to brown and even black. I have seen them only in pink and white. I don’t have of these in my garden. These grow in the garden of a friend of mine. Google also mention it’s highly toxic to cats.


I wonder if I did something wrong or if it was the winter that killed the phlox I had in three different colour. Anyway, to my disappointment, they were gone in the spring. So I was very happy when, in the beginning of the summer, a friend said she had too many of this red phlox and asked if I would like to have some. Oh, yes please, of course. The thing is I have admired your beautiful phlox already for many years. I hope these ones will make it through the winter.