Tag Archives: bird

Blue Tit Couple

Blue tit, blåmes, sinitiainen Blue tit, blåmes, sinitiainen Blue tit, blåmes, sinitiainen IMG_9056CSince mid April a blue tit couple have been really busy building a nest in our wall behind the bricks. There are some narrow gaps between some of the bricks after the snow some years ago took the ladder down. Unfortunately we have not fixed the issue yet. The birds flew (they squeeze them selves) in and out with their beak filled with building materials. From early morning to late in the evening. Both hundreds of times. Mostly moss from our lawn. In the beginning when they started building the nest they were very wary. They didn’t fly in before we went indoors. I tried to take some photos of them with their beaks filled with moss. But, they are no good because the birds stayed high up in the apple tree. I talked to them every day and still do. By now they are pretty used to us. The eggs have latched and there are now hungry babies. The parents fly in and out a hundred times with insects in their beak. No time for break to rest.

Great Spotted Woodpeckers

In the morning I heard a woodpecker pecking a tree somewhere in the neighbor’s garden. I quickly went in, grabbed my camera and back out. I still heard him but was unable to spot him. My neighbor was on the porch. I said I so wish I would be able to shoot a couple of photos. But, the sound disappeared. In the afternoon my neighbor called. She said, go look, there now are two woodpeckers. She was right. The two of them picking insects on the ground. I hope they will be back tomorrow or in a near future and I will be able to shoot better photos.

Jay – Garrulus Glandarius

During the years I have made countless attempts to, at least, get one good photo of a jay. But, no ! They are shy, they a super quick to fly away or they hide behind a branch. Today, I couldn’t believe my eyes. One sat in the apple tree right outside our bedroom looking right at me. It’s a gray rainy day. Maybe he wanted to come in. I grabbed the camera and shot a couple of shots through the window. Then went out to perhaps be able to shoot more photos. But, he already had moved on to sit high up in a tree on the neighbor’s side.

Sparrows & Flying Ants

I’m not sure do the flying ants appear here every summer.  When they do they always disappear as quickly as they appear, usually this time of the year. On Tuesday there was many and the sparrows were so excited that they hardly noticed us being there too. They ate and ate. In the evening there were no more ants with wings.

European Goldfinch

European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) Steglits, TikliEuropean goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) Steglits, TikliOriginal photo above, cropped of the same below.European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) Steglits, TikliOn the 20th of July I saw this cute, colourful small bird sitting on a flowered thistle. I have a bird book and learned it’s an European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis). I was not happy with the picture from the 20th because it’s blurry. I went back for six days hoping to have a new chance to shoot more photos, better photos. Then on the 26th there he was. One click and he flew away. I still hope to spot him one more time to, hopefully, be able to have the possibility take a better profile photo.

Sparrow Babies

Sparrow babies IMG_5656CSparrow parent IMG_5637CSparrow babies IMG_5660CSparrow babies IMG_5659CSparrow babies IMG_5663CSparrow babies IMG_5669CAlready for some time I have heard the baby sparrows under the garage roof and seen the parents bring them food. I wonder are they the same couple who were there last summer. Yesterday in the morning when I looked up I saw three hungry babies screaming for food and soon enough a parent came and all three opened their mouths. They actually look fully grown already and ready to leave the nest. One even came outside (pics 3 and 4) and it looked like it wanted to follow the parent. But, then went back in. They are so cute but messy. We need to clean it up a bit when they have moved away.

The Bird Chicks

Thursday morning, June 1st, only one chick in the nest. Oh doesn’t he look lonely. The mother high up in tree, stared at me. I could feel her think. Oh no, you again ! I hurried to take three pictures and then l walked away. I should have shot a couple more as they are a bit blurry (again). But, I want to disturb the birds as little as possible.

Walking back from the nest I saw these two birds in an apple tree further away from the tree where the nest is. I think they are chicks. I’m not sure about whether they are from “my” nest. But very cute ones.Bird chick in the nest

Yesterday in the morning, June 2nd, I thought the nest was empty as I saw no one there. But, in the evening I saw this last little one sitting on the edge of the nest. I took only one picture. Didn’t want to scare him off the edge. But, he probably left the nest later. It has been so nice to be able to follow the growing of the chicks. This is the first time in my entire life I have had the rare opportunity. I wish them all the best now when they are out in the big wide world 🙂

The Bird Chicks

Gosh, the chicks to me already look ready to leave the nest. One was sitting on a branch outside of it. I tried to get a picture of him but, the branches made it impossible to get a sharp enough one. I think there is not enough of space for all four of them anymore. In the last picture it, to me, looked like the mom was cleaned the nest from something. I wonder will they still be there tomorrow morning.

The Bird Chicks

Last night we all woke to thunder and heavy rainfall. Oh no, I said to my husband, I’m so worried about the bird babies in the apple tree. I hope the nest will not be knocked down by it. He said, go put an umbrella over them. After I had morning coffee I took my camera and went there. How happy I was to see the nest was still there and also the chicks. After my first shot, I saw through the lens, one of the parents land on the edge of the nest with a big worm in hers/his beak. Oh my gosh, I couldn’t believe, such a luck. I shot several pictures in a row hoping that at least some of them would be sharp enough to post on my blog. The one with the worm is very blurry. But, I still wanted to post it because of the huge worm. I’m so happy the birds are okay.

Baby Chicks

Chicks in the nest IMG_5342CChicks in the nest IMG_5337CChicks in the nest IMG_5335C Yesterday in the afternoon I saw there were baby chicks in the nest. Four small heads and beaks.  Unlike to what I replied to a friend blogger they do not scream for food, which I thought would be the case, because the sparrow chicks under our garage roof are loud and scream loudly for food. I think they were there already on Monday afternoon when I first saw one of the parents there. They may be about a week now. I read they are ready to leave after 14-16 days. I hope I will still be able to take some more photos, some better photos of them. W’ll see.