Category Archives: Motocross

Classic Motocross in Hyvinkää

Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 024_1 Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 037C_1 Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 038_1_1 Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 051_1 Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 043_1 Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 045_1 Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 057C_1 Motocross at Hyvinkää Old motocross Track 25 Aug 2013 Picture 048_1

Sunday was an other gorgeous summer day. As was yesterday for that matter. Sunday + 24 C. Yesterday + 26 C. Blue skies. Not a cloud in sight. Okay, back to Sunday. We decided to go to Hyvinkää, some 60 kilometers from our place, where was arranged a motorbike event during the weekend. Off-Road and trial on  Saturday. Scramble/motocross on Sunday. We thought it good to the end the summer at an motocross event as we in the end of May started the summer going to a motocross race.

This time it was not an official race. More of an event for drivers to get to drive together and for everyone interested to spend a nice day watching and getting together.  It was held at the old Hyvinkää track. So different from many tracks I have been to. It was winding up and down in the woods. Sometimes very narrow. No grandstand. Impossible to have an overview over the entire place. It even was a bit difficult to move around in the terrain. Despite all. It was a nice day. The atmosphere, the excitement, the motors roaring, the smell, the dust, the pebbles, the thrill, the skill.

You may think why we, two retired persons, close to the seventies keep going the these kind of events. Thing is our son used to drive motocross for quite many years. Starting when about nine or ten. Hi did not race just driving because he liked it so much.  That is where my interest for the sport comes from. I know my husband has liked it from a very early age and it for long was his dream to have a bike of his own to drive. His dream never became reality. The closest to his dream he came was/is helping our son when driving. He actually took up driving again recently after not driving for so many years.

What a coincidence ! As in the end of May also this time it collided with Formula 1 race. So for that reason we did not stay till the end as I wanted to go home to watch the F1 live. 🙂

Classic Motocross

Motocross Ohkola 2013_05_26 01

Some years ago we were many times each summer at classic motocross races. For the last three or four years we have not been to any. It really was nice to once again be at one. I love the atmosphere, the sound of the bikes, the smell of the fuel etc.

Motocross Ohkola 2013_05_26 02 Picture 113_1

Can you believe that we on the way there, despite the navigator, got lost ! I can’t blame Leif because I set the navigator. Once we had to make a stop to wonder where we are and how to find to the motocross truck I stepped out to shoot a picture of the fields, so yellow of ‘Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia’ in bloom.

Motocross Ohkola 2013_05_26 P5261369 C_1We arrived it in time for the start.

Motocross Ohkola 2013_05_26 P5261372_1C_1Some jumping high,

Motocross Ohkola 2013_06_26 Picture 135_1

Some, ouch ! Luckily the guy was able to restart his bike and continue the race.

Motocross Ohkola 2013_05_26 Picture 140_1

Then, my favorites, the sidecar.

Motocross Ohkola 2013_05_26 P5261378 C_1

Motocross Ohkola 2013_05_26 Picture 159_1

I think Canelo’s too.

If it had not been for the Monaco Formula1 race at 3 pm we sure had stayed there for much longer.

August 2009

Some updates for August.

It was nice having our neighbor’s son for a sleepover on August 6. There is a place, not far away from us, where people are training motocross. Also on the way there is a field for radio controlled airplanes. As he had never been to neither place we took him there. He really enjoyed the evening and so did we.

On August 12 we had the great honor and pleasure to again be invited to our friends for the annual crayfish party. Such a fantastic evening . . . sauna bath, swimming in the lake, delicious crayfish.

Million thanks dear friends : )

On August 22.-23.2009 the Motocross MX3 World Championship took place in Vantaa. We had planned to go there both days but were there only on Sun 23. It was a great event.

Mon 31, last day of August, was a nice wind for surfers. First time I happened to see a kite surfer. Looked sooo nice.

Well that’s all 🙂

Classic Motocross Cup 16.6.2007 Heinolassa

Launtaina olitiin taas kerran yhdessä Classic Motocross tapahtumassa mihin “den kära gubben” oli ilmoittautunut vapaaehtoiseksi, ilmaiseksi lippumieheksi ihan vaan koska tykkää niin kovasti. Päätin kysyä lähteekö ystäväni Riitta mukaan koska hän sattui olemaan ihan meidän lähellä koirasitterinä. Oli tosi kiva että, hän innoistui lähtemään. Joten mökkiauton nokka Heinolaa kohti klo 7:00 aamulla Riitta, Lefa, Titi, Canelo ja minä. Päivä oli aurinkoinen ja lämmin. Riitan ja koirien kanssa löysimme ihanat ulkoilureitit mitä kiersimme kahdesti. Välillä käytiin autossa keitettämässä kahvit. Lenkkipolun varrella oli todella kaunis lampi hiekkarantoineen. Viihdyttiin siellä pitkään. Siellä oli kolme poikaa uimassa. Pojat olisivat halunneet Canelon uimaan mutta Canelo heittäytyi ujoksi eikä suostunut menemään veteen kun tassuja kastelemaan. Riittaa harmitti ettei ollut uimapuku mukana koska vesi oli tosi lämmintä.

Matkalla takaisin autolle näin tämän ison kauniin perhosen. Perhoskirjan mukaan tämä on Papilio machaon. En ole ennen nähnyt livenä. Onneksi Riitta oli mukana koska heitin lippiksen ja jätin Canelon ja sänttäsin perhosen perään jyrkää rinnettä pitkin ylös ja alas. Ajattelin että, otan kuvia vaikka kamerassa on perhosen kuvaukseen väärä linssi. En päässyt hyvään kuvakulmaan eikä tästä tämän terävämpää kuva tullut. Toivottavasti saan kesän aikan vielä toisen mahdollisuuden kuvata Makaonperhosta. Tämä oli yksi suurikokoisista, upeimmistä Suomessa näkemistäni perhosista.

Enää 1 päivä niin olen lomalla ! One more day at work before my vacation ! En dag till semestern.

Scramble Weekend In Hyvinkää 16.9.2006

Canelo usually is not afraid of other dogs at all. On the contrary he is the one to start a “conversation”.

But this one he thought way to big and above all way toooo enthusiastic ! 

 My hubby loves the smell and the sound of the bikes. He never has been driving himself. Our son has and
still does sometimes. Canelo and I enjoyed ourselves strolling around as it was a bright and sunny, bit
chilly, nice day. I actually can enjoy myself mostly anywhere as long as I have my camera with me.
The drivers in the pictures, I must admit, I don’t know who they are.