Tag Archives: buttermilk cheese

Buttermilk Cheese

The header says: Kesän kohokohta – The highlight of the summer (ups, I actually cut it from the picture)Kotitekoinen piimäjuusto IMG

Well, it’s not yet summer but, for some reason, I have been craving for this homemade buttermilk cheese. The recipe has been on my desk already for two to three weeks. Finally, today I made it. It’s so simple, easy and quick to cook. After cooking it has to be in the fridge for at least 5-6 hours or more. Usually I let it stay in the fridge over the night. This time I’m not going to wait till tomorrow, am going to have tea and buttermilk sandwich right after this posting.

Homemade buttermilk cheese

Homemade buttermilk cheese