Daily Archives: November 30, 2010

Spanish Conversation Group

Today was the last class in spanish conversation for this season. The class has taken place once a week for one and a half hour. Our teacher is from Chile. He is very nice.  In our group we are fifteen. Ten women and five guys. Some of us knowing each other from earlier spanish lessons. I think the age range is between thirty to eightytwo. Some in the group already are very good in spanish. They are able to make themselves well understood. I mostly listen. If I continue next season I hope I soon will be able to take part in the conversation.

Typekit Fonts

It really was bothering my mind not being able to figure out how to use the Typekit Fonts.  I’m too stubborn to give things up. My husband told me to forget the whole thing. Instead I decided to give it a last chance.  It turned out to be a matter of concentration. Had to read the instructions really slowly for it to sink in.  Finalemente 🙂 Yes, it was pretty easy.